Your Go-to Email Campaign Checklist

Many believe that success hinges on a meticulous attention to detail. This is true for both simple and complex tasks, whether we’re constructing something grand or simply updating a blog. It’s crucial to be vigilant and catch even the smallest error. This principle applies universally and is especially pertinent when launching an email marketing campaign.

Ensuring everything is planned to perfection encompasses a myriad of factors. Diligently reviewing and double-checking all elements is the bedrock of this process.

A checklist is an invaluable tool that efficiently highlights our oversights, even when we think everything is in perfect order. It is especially indispensable for tasks that require careful consideration of numerous elements.

Email marketing campaigns are prime examples of such tasks. Today, we will delve into the crucial pre-launch checklists that can rescue your email campaign from potential disaster.

Let’s presume that you have your marketing strategy already mapped out. Fundamentally, the pre-launch phase of an email marketing campaign encompasses three key areas: design, content, and technical aspects. We will examine each of these areas in detail.


Content is the starting point of the process. Prior to delving into the selection of colors, layout, fonts, and other design elements, it is crucial to first decide on the material that will be featured in your upcoming newsletter.

In this step, you must select not only the text but also the images and graphics that will be included in your newsletter. Additionally, it is crucial not to overlook essential details, such as your physical address. You might wonder, “Why do I need to include my physical address in a digital email newsletter that directs recipients to my website or landing page? Aren’t digital contacts sufficient?”

The inclusion of a physical address isn’t merely a preference; it is a legal requirement. Compliance with the rules set forth by the CAN-SPAM Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is mandatory for commercial messages. If this information is news to you, then our comprehensive checklists are exactly what you need. They are designed to ensure that nothing important has been missed.


Company NameThe company’s name is incorporated.
Subject LineA compelling and carefully chosen subject line.
Subject Line LengthThe subject line does not exceed 70 characters.
Pre-header MessageAn enticing message is featured in the pre-header.
Pre-header LengthThe pre-header line is kept within 80-90 characters.


PersonalizationThe email is customized for the recipient.
HeadlinesBold, catchy headlines align with the subject line.
Text ChunksThe text is divided into five or six distinct sections.
LanguageThe text is clear, jargon-free, and suits the audience.
Spelling and PunctuationThere are no contextual spelling or punctuation errors.
Tautology and RedundancyThe content is free of tautology and redundancy.
Text Length and QualitySections are concise, informative, and engaging.
Actionable LanguageClear, actionable language is employed where necessary.
Date RelevanceThe date included is accurate and relevant.
Smart ContentIntelligent, dynamic content is added.


Image QuantityA maximum of one large and four to five small images.
Image RelevanceImages complement and enhance the text.
Image RightsImages are royalty-free and suitable for commercial use.
Image CreditImages are credited as required.
Alt TextsAll images include descriptive alt texts.


In-Text LinksLinks to relevant articles or products within text.
ButtonsInclusion of buttons as needed.
Call to Actions (CTAs)CTAs are actionable and capture attention.
Landing Page BacklinkA backlink to the landing page is provided.
Main Website LinkA link to the main website is included.
Forward Email LinkThere is an option to forward the email.
Web Browser Version LinkA link to view the email in a web browser is available.
Plain Text Version LinkA link to a plain text version of the email is offered.


Subsection AnchorsThe newsletter includes anchors for easy navigation to subsections.
Social Media LinksLinks to the company’s social media profiles are provided.
Social Share LinksOptions to share the newsletter on social media are available.
Digital Contact LinksLinks to digital contacts such as Skype, Telegram, Viber, etc., are included.


Unsubscribe LinkA link for recipients to easily unsubscribe.
Physical AddressThe company’s physical address is included.
Copyright LineA copyright statement with the relevant date.
Legal LinksLinks to the Privacy Policy and Disclaimer.


ProofreadingThe text is reviewed at least once.
Spam CheckingThe text is analyzed for spam content.


Once all content-related problems have been resolved, it’s time to arrange everything in its rightful order.

Design plays a pivotal role in how content is received. This is the stage where blocks of text become manageable snippets, headlines become eye-catching, links become noticeable, and calls-to-action (CTAs) become irresistible. It’s also where psychological tactics can be employed to boost email conversion rates. Essentially, the design phase is where ordinary content transforms into a marketing gem, all within the confines of a small space. There are numerous factors to consider, which we’ll delve into in our checklist.


Font SizeRanges from 12px to 16px for optimal readability.
Letter SpacingMaintains a standard spacing between characters.
TypefaceChosen for its readability.
Text and Background ContrastEnsures text stands out against the background.
ColoringAligns with the email’s mission and evokes the intended emotions.
BackgroundClean and non-distracting.
GraphicsHarmoniously blends with the overall design.
Social Media IconsRelevant to the content and consistent with the theme.


Layout WidthDoes not exceed 600px for optimal viewing.
Section DivisionIncludes both horizontal and vertical sections.
Mobile CompatibilityEnsures the layout is mobile-friendly.
WhitespaceUtilizes a balanced amount of whitespace.
Column & Row GapsIncorporates gaps between columns and rows.
Headline & Excerpt GapsFeatures clear, yet non-irritating gaps between headlines and excerpts.


Dummy Text & Default ContentAll placeholder text and default content have been removed.
Placeholders vs Actual DataOnly real and relevant data is included, with no placeholders.
Text PlacementText is organized and in its proper location.
ScannabilityText is formatted for easy scanning.
Prominent ContentKey content is immediately noticeable.
Offer HighlightingPromotions and offers are emphasized.
Link VisibilityLinks are clear, distinct, and integrated smoothly.
CTA AppealCalls-to-action are visually appealing and grab attention.
Headline FittingHeadlines are appropriately sized to fit within each cell.


Image-Text AlignmentImages are relevant to adjacent text blocks.
Image AlignmentImages are aligned precisely.
Image ContainmentAll images fit within the layout boundaries.


Content FormatThe content is formatted effectively.
Hero Image SizeThe hero image does not monopolize the screen space.
Header MessageThe main message is strategically placed in the header.
Brand IdentityThe header contains a logo or other brand identifier.
Header ComponentsIncludes brand logo, navigation, lead message, promo image, and CTA.
Footer ComponentsFeatures copyrights, contact information, address, and other business details.
Design ConsistencyThe email’s design matches its web version and main website.

Technical Part

The technical aspect, while often overlooked, holds almost as much weight as the previous stages. It acts as the gatekeeper, similar to a nightclub bouncer, filtering out elements that don’t meet the criteria. For instance, it ensures that an email newsletter template lacking a mobile-friendly layout doesn’t compromise the entire campaign.

The technical side encompasses a range of tasks, from purging unsubscribed readers from your mailing list to sending a test email to your own inbox. Let’s delve into these essential steps.

Sender details

Sender InformationThe sender details are accurate.
ConsistencyThe name and email address consistently represent the company.
Reply-to AddressA reply-to address is included for recipient responses.

List of subscribers

Unsubscribed RemovalIndividuals who opted out are removed from the list.
Inactive RemovalInactive subscribers are deleted, and the list is refreshed.
Audience TargetingThe appropriate audience is accurately identified and selected.


Personalization TokensPersonalization elements are incorporated.
Dynamic ContentDynamic content is accurately configured.
Tracking CodesNecessary tracking codes have been implemented.
Link VerificationAll links have been checked manually for accuracy.
External Link AnchorsExternal links direct readers to the precise location on a page.
Promo Code RelevancePromo codes are applicable and current.
Sponsor Code RelevanceSponsor codes are pertinent and valid.


Image OptimizationEvery image has been optimized for best performance.
Image LinkingImages link to relevant articles with active links.
Image CreditsNecessary credits are given with active and pertinent links.

Code and Design

Web Version AlignmentMatches the email newsletter in content and design.
Landing Page AlignmentCorresponds seamlessly with the email newsletter.
Browser CompatibilityThe layout is compatible with various web browsers.
Closed TagsAll HTML tags are properly closed.
CTA CodingCalls-to-action are correctly coded.
Code ValidationThe code is valid and has been thoroughly tested.
Email Provider CompatibilityDisplays well across different email services.
Email SizeThe email is not excessively large in file size.
Server FunctionalityThe server and associated web pages are fully operational.


Stock AvailabilityThe products are readily available.
Functionality VerificationAdditional features like sign up and ordering function as expected.
Device CompatibilityThe email displays correctly on various screens, from large monitors to 320px-wide cell phones.
Plain Text VersionThe text-only version is presentable and well-formatted.
Image-disabled ViewAppears satisfactory even when images are disabled.
Review RoundsThe email underwent at least two review iterations.
Inbox TestingA test email was successfully sent to your inbox.
A/B TestingA/B tests have been conducted to ensure optimal results.

The email marketing campaign checklist is our savior, guarding against disasters and aiding in the creation of impeccable campaigns. No matter your endeavor, always remember to peruse these crucial, meticulously compiled tidbits of wisdom. They’re the backbone supporting all those “Ah, I knew I forgot something!” moments, offering us the chance to make things right before it’s too late.

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